

10-day Course

10 days • Scheduled Just for You!

inner magic & mystic identity & beautiful life

mystic discovery for magical women

Discover Your Inner Magic

Discover the spiritual gifts behind your attraction to what’s magical, and access the world of wonder they bring.

Play with Your Magic

Tap in for signs and wonders and find out how playful your spiritual support can be.


  • Your Spiritual Gifts
  • Your Mystic Identities
  • The Powerhouse Within
  • Signs & Symbols
  • Guides
  • Passed Loved Ones
  • Energetic Self-Care
  • Chakra Calibration

Mystic Playground 10-day Course $99

Enrolling Now!

When I got my first lesson from my spiritual mentor, it was a grounding exercise, and I was like, but where’s the magic? The grown-up me, who is also the teacher me, now knows that grounding is super important, but back then I wanted to get to the fun stuff—the magical stuff—right away. For me, that meant learning about my gifts, connecting with spirit guides, and getting in touch with the signs going on around me. So, that’s the stuff I’ve loaded into Mystic Playground to get you right to the fun stuff at the same time as getting you the important stuff like that grounding exercise.

You’ll get your Mystic Playground toys—and by that I mean PDF mini-workbooks full of the fun stuff—delivered by email over 10 days. These seriously magical lessons feature exercises that include guided meditations and self-discovery questionnaires, plus BONUS stuff, all for you to discover your inner magic, activate mystic experience, and be delighted by your spiritual support. Then we’ll meet—just you and me—on Zoom to answer your questions as you identify your gifts. And then we’ll open a channel to beautiful spiritual connection so you can begin to try out your gifts and get some much needed mystic play and recharging.

  • 6 PDF lessons in 2 mini-workbooks
    • Colorful pages and photos
    • Clear explanations
    • Real-life stories
  • 12 Mystic Playground exercises
    • Self-discovery questionnaires
    • Guided meditations
    • Hands-on activities
  • 1-Hour Zoom Meeting
    • Q&A + mystic play
    • Scheduled just for you
  • BONUS lessons & activities

mystic discovery for magical women

inner magic & mystic identity & beautiful life

Once your application is submitted, I will reach out to let you know if we are a match to work together and if so, to schedule your course at a time that works for us both.